
How To Prevent Getting Makeup On Contacts

Should You Put in Contacts Earlier or After Makeup Application?

woman thinking about contacts before or after makeup application

Yous're getting fix for work, and it's your offset day wearing your new contacts. Your counter is lined with mascara, blush, eyeshadow and an assortment of other makeup products. Just you terminate and ask yourself: Should I put in my contacts before or after my makeup? And how practice I put them in without ruining my makeup or damaging the lenses?

Doing makeup with contact lenses can be tricky, as some makeup can potentially irritate your eyes. Powder or mascara clumps can fall in, causing discomfort and infections, and fifty-fifty destroy your contact lenses. So proper makeup application when yous wear contacts is vital, especially for people who article of clothing makeup regularly.

Here are some tips for using makeup with contacts to keep your eyes healthy and your contacts in good shape.

Contacts Before or After Makeup?

1 affair'due south for sure: put your contacts in before applying your makeup. This mode, y'all avoid the risk of getting makeup particles on them.

There'south a risk when you utilize makeup offset and so put in your contacts. At that place's a possibility of non simply messing up your makeup, but as well accidentally getting chemicals on your lenses. These chemicals then transfer into your optics, causing further irritation.

Even if you're a long-time contact lens wearer, it's best not to endeavor putting your lenses in later putting your makeup on. If makeup does contaminate your lenses, rinse them off, wash your easily and reapply your makeup.

Remember that if y'all're using any kind of sprays (hairspray, deodorants, face mists), the spray can get on your contact lenses. Close your eyes (and fifty-fifty cover your eyes with ane hand) during awarding and after, as spray particles linger in the air.

Avoid Doing Makeup While on the Become

blonde woman wearing black driving car

Makeup awarding belongs at dwelling. Busy people are often in a rush and may recollect that applying their makeup while on their way somewhere is a good idea. They telephone call it multitasking! Just hastily applying makeup with contacts in, particularly in a moving vehicle could atomic number 82 to disastrous results, such as center pain or a damaged contact. If you notice yourself on the go and needing to reapply your makeup, have a moment to stride into a bathroom, where you lot tin practice it advisedly with a mirror to help.

Prevent Contaminants From Getting Into Your Eyes

man outstretched arm and hand

Our hands carry over 1,000 bacteria and touch many contaminated surfaces every day. Transferring bacteria from your hands to your eyes puts you at a higher chance of infection.

But bacteria are non the only culprit for irritation and infections. If y'all've applied foundation or powders previously, wash your hands to remove whatsoever remaining traces. And so it's safe to put in your contacts. It'south also recommended to continue your eyes closed before and after inserting contacts while using whatsoever powdery makeup.

Keep Your Contacts Clean

contact on finger being washed by solution

Diligent cleaning is the best fashion to go along lenses free of irritants.

Clean them thoroughly with solution every evening, rubbing for xx seconds to remove all dirt or chemicals. But remember to wash your hands first! Store them in fresh solution overnight. You should clean your instance every dark too to remove any buildup of contaminants and biofilms.

Contacts that are not washed and properly stored can encourage bacteria growth. You could end up with not only redness and irritation just also persistent heart infections.

If yous're an avid makeup wearer and take a busy lifestyle, consider using daily disposable contacts. Daily disposables take no cleaning routine because yous wearable a fresh new pair every day.

Mascara for Contact Wearers

woman with blue eye putting on mascara

Clumpy mascara not only looks terrible but can also get under your lenses and irritate your optics. When you wear contacts, utilize h2o-based, hypoallergenic mascara or ones that are formulated for sensitive eyes if you desire to vesture contacts.

Use Foam-Based Products

Cream-based eyeshadows are safer for people who wear contacts. Powdery shadows oft crumble during the day, but cream-based eyeshadows stay put. This eliminates the worry of particles getting in your eyes.

Steer clear of any products containing oil. If they get into your eyes, they could cloud upwardly your contact lenses.

Avoid Makeup on Your Waterline

The waterline is where your lid touches your eye. Glands line your eyelids and provide your optics with hydration. Heavy makeup application hither tin can block the glands and lead to more redness, dryness, dirty lenses and even infections. When applying makeup on your lids, keep some space between your lashes and your lid.

If you lot relish using eyeliner, using a pencil ane is better, considering they flake less than liquid and gel liners. Once again, you want to prevent traces from falling into your eyes.

Replace Makeup and Clean Brushes Regularly

Bacteria tend to grow on used and opened makeup that'due south more than three months old. When these bacteria come into contact with your optics or contact lenses, information technology opens up the possibility of infections. Cheque expiration dates periodically and buy new makeup on a regular basis. Because you just know, if an an eye infection is going to happen, it's going to be in time for a special event! It's but not worth the risk.

Don't forget to make clean the mascara applicator also. Dried out mascara creates clumps, and they tin can fall into your eyes.

Sharing is caring, but not with makeup, and certainly non for contact lens wearers.

The aforementioned goes for brushes or other application tools you might utilize on your eyes. Makeup particles tin clump in your brushes, which leads to bacteria buildup.

Launder these with lather and warm water, shake them out and leave them to dry overnight in a make clean identify. Or, if you have a specialty brush, contact the distributor to find out the best cleaning routine.

Removing Contacts

young woman removing contacts

At the end of the day, wash your hands and brand sure they're dry. Remove your contacts FIRST before removing makeup. Be careful about non bumping them on your lid or touching any makeup residue.

You should choose a makeup remover that is water-based or for sensitive skin. Removers with oils can irritate your eyes. You can use lid wipes to wipe away makeup applied directly to your eyelids.

Concluding Thoughts

Answering the question, "Should you put in your contacts before or after makeup?" isn't every bit tricky once yous understand more virtually eye hygiene. Proper cleaning, application and budget of makeup are essential for a neat experience with contacts.

By following these tips and advice, you'll be on your way to contact lenses costless of irritants. Plus, a flawless fabricated-up expect!


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