
How To Draw A Cartoon Globe

How to Draw A Cartoon Earth in just a few easy steps

Drawing a cartoon earth: some fun facts before starting sketching!

  • The earth is around 90 000 000 miles away from the sun.
  • Around 10% of the earth is covered with ice.
  • Earth is around 5 billion years old.

Step 1

How to draw a cartoon earth

In this tutorial, you will learn to draw a simple earth using basically circles. The earth is round (yes, everybody knows that... now!) (4) and it is made of water (around 70% of it) (3) and 5 continents (1).

These continents are constantly moving over time, so earth as we know it won't look the same in 5 billion years. Don't forget the clouds that gives the earth a changing looks (2).

Step 2

How to draw a cartoon earth

The shape of the earth is made of a circle. It's not a perfect circle since the earth is a little more flat on both poles. The continents are made of irregular shapes including many countries, islands and icebergs. When drawing the earth, you don't need to shape those continents as perfect as you can. Just a good sketch will do the job.

Step 3

How to draw a cartoon earth

Let's try to draw a simple earth with a little attitude. First, draw a circle. Then, draw some continents (it's your choice) without drawing them all. You can take a look at a map to give yourself a better idea of the continent's shapes.

Next, add some eyes by drawing two big circles. Finish your work by adding pupils and a mouth. Here you go! A simple earth with a big smile!

Step 4

How to draw a cartoon earth

Drawing the earth is not a big challenge. Drawing a good looking continent is, however, more difficult. Try to use your imagination to draw something more funny (1), more realistic (2) or more unusual (3). Why not draw a map with two feet and a face? Just let your imagination go and enjoy. More cool planets can be drawn below. :)

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