Salesforce Email To Case Implementation Guide

The Salesforce email to case function allows you to manage incoming and outgoing emails from clients who require support. This function automates cases that arise from each inquiry, in order to ensure that the right agent addresses the problem as quickly as possible. Keep in mind the following points to use the Salesforce Email to Case feature:

Download the Agent

First, download Email to Case Salesforce agent to access the function. This will enable you to accept any email queries that are more than 10mb in size. In addition, all email traffic will stay within your network firewall. Then, simply install the agent behind the firewall used by your network.

Set Up Major Rules

To activate the Salesforce Email to Case function, go to Setup>Customize>Cases>Email-to-Case to begin activation. Once this is done, the case settings will need to be configured.

The setup process is quite elaborate, so pay close attention to the next few key points:

  • To start, customize fields so each case can be tracked with its specific information. The case page layouts will also need customizing. This will predetermine which case fields should be displayed, which ones your users require, and which one should only be read
    •  It will be up to you to create email templates that will be used by your agents to communicate with your clients.
    • You'll need to determine the 'rules of assignment.' That way, each case will be automatically routed to the right agent.
    • Auto-response messages can also be set up at this stage. This will provide a client with a response immediately after they have sent a query, so that they know it has been received.
    • Make sure to regulate 'case escalations' settings, so that as a case escalates, your Salesforce system keeps track of the issue. In addition, it is in your best interest to design a form, which will be used by your customers to submit their cases via your website.
    • Set up 'case capture' based on client emails. This will ensure that any inbound email generates a case automatically.

Case Sharing and Salesforce Email to Case thread ID

Setting up a case-sharing model allows your clients the proper amount of access to cases. An Email-to-Case thread ID is equally as important. By setting up this option, you ensure that a new reply by a client goes to the already existing case, instead of an old one, thus reducing redundancy. This ID can be set up so that it appears in both the email body, as well as the subject. By allowing the notify case owners on new emails option, agents handling multiple cases will be able to know when one of their clients has sent another reply.

Setting up routing addresses

For your convenience, you can create a routing addresses through which your company's support email address will be forwarded. By configuring routing addresses, you can determine how Salesforce Email to Case handles your clients' emails.

There are a couple of steps you must take before configuring a routing address. First, set up your email account, then assign a routing name. This will ensure that once an email comes in to this new address, a case is generated automatically. This email address is what will be linked to your site for support purposes. If the email address of the source matches one in your Salesforce Contacts, the new case will be matched to that account.

  • Save email headers. This will provide routing information. If you limit the settings for "accept emails from," you will only receive queries from the preferred emails and domains.
  • You can also create tasks from emails in order to assign tasks to case owners automatically once a case is generated. You can subsequently set up the status option in order to keep up with task statuses.
  • Once you set up a routing address using the Salesforce Email to Case function, you will be able to assign a case owner in queue form, or individually. You can also set up case priority to prioritize emails coming from specific routing addresses.

Test email routing addresses

Once you have set up the email routing addresses, test to see that they work as they should. You will have to send emails manually repeatedly in order to see what happens. If all your settings are correct, the emails should generate different cases based on the routing addresses that you used. If things do not work correctly, you need to go back and configure email routing addresses.

Link email address to support page

At this stage, you can link your email address to your site's support page. This email address is the one your clients will use whenever they have questions for your support agents.

Connect Case page layout to emails related list

The cases page layout should be connected to to your emails related list. Once this is done, you will be able to use the Salesforce Email to Case function to view the email threads within the generated cases. This will enable you to keep up with the progress of any given case.

Additional information on this topic is available on how to customize salesforce page.

Key Takeaways

Salesforce Email to Case function shows its value for your business by organizing and simplifying your support funnel. By streamlining email generated cases through Salesforce, your agents will be able to more easily handle and track clients' questions and concerns.

The service you offer your customers is a huge factor that can differentiate a successful business from a less successful one. How you handle your customers' issues will determine customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Using Salesforce Email to Case allows you to raise the level of the service you offer.

Check out this article for more information on Salesforce email templates.